HOw to Apply


Applications are no longer open for this semester. We’d love to still have you as part of The Global Citizen though! Check back in early Fall 2020!

Join a team of Passionate global citizens.

This page includes all the information of how to apply to The Global Citizen this semester including the timeline and what to expect. Please read through all the information carefully and submit the application found at the bottom of the page.


The application has two parts: the written applicatoin and the in-person interview. Both will be judged solely on the quality of your responses. Below is the application timeline. Please note that the final day to turn in your written application will be TBA, while interviews will be scheduled throughout TBA based on availability.

We will be emailing and calling accepted candidates after both the written application and interviews rounds.

Please contact our president, Kenny Kang, on Messenger or through email at if you have any questions or concerns.

Helpful tips!

  1. There are no right or wrong answers. Only good and bad ones. In both your written application and your interview we will be primarily paying attention to your ability to be creative, be open-minded, critically analyze, and express yourself.

  2. Our interviews aren’t… typical. Among other questions, we will be tailoring some of our questions based on your written application. The best interviews we’ve had were from candidates who were ready to be thrown off-balance and go “off-script”.

  3. Please don’t worry if you aren’t as familiar with a particular topic that we cover on The Global Citizen. We pride ourselves in our diversity of topics (and members), but we don’t expect you to be an expert in everything (or anything for that matter). What matters is that you keep an open-mind to learn more about the topics.

Written Application (due. TBA)

Please click here to be taken to the application.